About Me

The following are a few of the skills I've learned over the past 18 years of programming. While this doesn't account for everything, I hope it offers a close approximation.

Don't see something you're looking for? Contact me !


JavaScript Python HTML PHP CSS SQL YAML C# LINQ Visual Basic

(Pre)Processors and Libraries

TypeScript Sass SCSS jQuery Angular Material Tailwind CSS Tailwind UI Bootstrap CSS MUI


Angular React Svelte Astro Electron

Software and Platforms

Development Tools

Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Atom WampServer XAMPP phpMyAdmin MySQLServer Microsoft SQL Server CodePen CodeSandbox JSFiddle Okta: Identity Octopus Deploy cPanel Azure Web Apps Service Azure Application Insights Wordpress Epicor ERP Crystal Reports Microsoft Silverlight

Repository and DevOps Platforms

GitHub GitLab GitKraken Azure DevOps

Design Tools

Figma Sketch Adobe XD Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign

Collaboration Platforms

FigJam Mural Miro
